Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Down another pound, Week 9 completed.

I go to my checkup next Monday for the orthodontist to see the progress. I can see progress. My crooked tooth in the front is only mildly crooked now. The other teeth have moved back away, giving it enough room to stretch out. I imagine this is how it will be. Another few months and the tooth will have enough room to straighten out and braces will go on to fix the bite which is now definitaly off.

Which is the biggest reason why food is a challenge.

I still can't eat food normally. Biting down on molars is tender feeling on my right side. Impossible on my left (where teeth are moving)

So now completing 9 weeks with the lingual arch - i'm down 9 pounds.

And I have a bit of wax but will run out again shortly. Am I supposed to reuse this stuff? Doesn't that sound awful?

What do you do? Reuse your wax or do you keep getting more?

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