Monday, July 31, 2006

Magic Mirrors

In early May after being influenced by the Cingular commercials for a pink fancy cell phone, I decided it was time to trade in my dinosaur cell phone that I had been dragging around. Pink is good. Flip top is cool looking. I even received a mail-in rebate for an extra 50.00. Although the paperwork was verrrrrry sneaky I managed to get all the information onto their forms and sent off.

Last week I got the Visa rebate in the mail, activated it, and knew just want I wanted to do with this windfall.

I dug through my mail and found the Bed Bath and Beyond coupon for 20% off and headed out the door. Twenty minutes later I was the proud owner of a fancy, wall-hung-magnifying-lit, mirror for my bathroom.

Old age has done a number on my eyes. Wearing glasses since 3rd grade, my eyes have changed more in the last 10 years than I care to explain. With trifocals in my frames, I still stuggle to find the right way to read a book or pluck my eyebrows. Its simply a frustrating matter for me.

Now, with the use of this fancy, schmancy mirror, I will have some extra tools to manage the additional wrinkles on my face.

I read the instructions, pulled out my power drill/screwdriver, and got it hung. Its a tiny bit crooked but still works well in its perfect place next to my bathroom sink. One side is normal, one side is 5X magnified. Oh my! The imperfections I couldn't see before are right there before me. Yikes! But on the positive side, I can finally see my eyebrows!

"Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like." James 1:23-24


Schweers' Mom said...

Here's to magnifying mirrors for those of us who are older than...well...30 (*raises glass - clink, clink*)

Yea for you using power tools, too, girl! You go!

Joye said...

I want one! Does it light up? I have a tremendous need for very good lighting these days.(Sigh)

Kathy said...

It does light up! BBB has them for the wall or the counter top. The one for counter top had extra features. Lighting for outdoors, indoors, flourescent. So you can see what your wrinkles, errrr...face....looks like in all those settings. ;)