Saturday, July 29, 2006

Walk On

Back in the spring it dawned on me that I had gathered an additional ten pounds in the past eight years since my hysterectomy. With my 50th birthday looming in the distance, I decided to take matters into my own hands. Well, I took matters into my feet.

I started walking.

I also signed up for a personal trainer at the gym.

I've lost the ten pounds and would like to carve another 5 off this tubby tummy. Its not an impossible task as I have found that my new body loves the walking. I'm still not crazy about the workouts with a trainer who hears no excuses, but I do see progress.

I can do 10 sit-ups now where before I could do none. I can lift weights and do pushups. The aches in my back that had become a normal part of my day as I got up and down from my sedatary office chair are gone. My body remembered it had muscles and the money I've invested in my health has been worth every penny.

The walking is what has surprised me. Its hot in Texas but I still like to get out there and walk. Where my brain was fizzy from days in front of a computer screen with emails and code to decipher, the walk has been energizing to my foggy brain. I can think, replay, dream and pray as I walk my neighborhood, enjoying the fresh (hot) air as I wave to neighbors.

I think the walking project has been my best personal surprise this year as a renewal of my life.

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Is. 40:30-31


Schweers' Mom said...

Kathy - a relative of mine is looking for a purebred dachshund. Is yours a standard or miniature? Did you buy him/her locally? Just wondering...

Kathy said...

I got her locally by a friend who breeds them. She is a "tweenie" meaning she isn't a standard but she isn't a mini either. She weighs 14 pounds which puts her between. If you need a phone number, let me know. She lives in Corinth.

Schweers' Mom said...

Thanks, Kathy. I think my MIL is pretty set on a standard as that's what she's had before. By the way, I LOVE your artwork! I had no idea you were such an artist!