Saturday, September 27, 2014

Metal Mouth - Sorta

Many years have gone by and I'm drawn back to my old blogger account - to document my latest adventure - getting braces at age 58. Can you believe it? Not me.

My teeth as a young teen and young married woman required no braces. My mother was always proud of the fact that I had "her teeth". Perfectly straight. Nicely proportioned. A smile I could easily share.

Somehow my wisdom teeth were forgotten as I grew up.  Somehow one emerged and started shifting teeth along the top left -plus I have an extra bicuspid, in that top left area. It's always been a fun activity - watching the dentist counting and numbering my teeth for his records. I have too many teeth on that top left side. And the crowding began - enough to make me self conscience as I've gotten older. Then add to the crooked teeth - a bite that no longer fit on that one side (with the crowded teeth).  I would be happily enjoying a meal when I'd manage to bite down funny and wince in pain.

So in August, I presented myself to an orthodontist for a consult. The waiting room was packed full of teens and preteens. I was x-rayed and photographed. I met with the Ortho doc who told me I was not too old but I was not a candidate for Invisilign. He also didn't want to pull any of my extra teeth - but rather - he wanted to shift what I had, preserving my teeth. He explained that our teeth are more brittle as we age and he didn't want to pull a healthy tooth - in case I needed it someday.

A few weeks later I had spacers placed between molars on each side on the bottom - which was very annoying and painful. I couldn't bite down at all on anything - so for over 1 week I ate soft food. Lots of milk shakes. Lots of soup. And finally in gratitude the spacers were removed. And I was fitted for a band around those two molars. And then the spacers were put back in while they built my appliance. I was very disappointed that I had to endure more time with the spacers in my mouth.

Finally - over a week later - the lingual arch was installed in my mouth (and the spacers removed - yay!) but I was overwhelmed. Another piece - a bar was attached to 3 teeth at the top, left that needed to be moved backwards. I was instructed in the use of elastics. Rubber bands to hook my bottom molar on my left side to the top teeth that needed nudging backward.

I was given some wax/silicon to use wherever my appliances were irritating. (At this point - they are ALWAYS irritating but somehow I can't manage to get the silicon wax on all of it. Ha!)

Overwhelmed is an understatement. I think I'm too old for this. Really.

The stuff in my mouth felt huge. My sensitive gag reflex was on alert.

I've now endured 3 days with this stuff in my mouth. It IS easier today but just by a bit.

In my head I'm thinking to myself - I arranged this myself. I am paying for this. Do I want to continue? Can I tolerate this?

And I'm thinking I was not kind-hearted enough to my own children when they had braces. I wasn't mean or unkind. I took them to their appointments. I paid for their braces. I got them special food and made sure if they needed ibuprofen or tylenol, I had it. But I don't remember feeling sorry for them. I should have been more sympathetic. I've apologized to them this week. A few times. (They are good natured about it - and remind me I'll get through this! I wish I believed them!)

I go back for a check with the orthodontist in 16 more days. I'm hoping that I'll "turn a corner" and begin to forget my mouth is full of a foreign appliance that my tongue continues to want to explore and somehow causes my lips to feel incredibly chapped. (I'm keeping Blistex nearby.)

In the meantime, I'm still working - managing HysterSisters - helping women through their decision making process surrounding the hysterectomy. We write articles, send newsletters, work with an awesome staff of volunteer moderators who help within the community - they are awesome women. If you haven't heard of HysterSisters - come take a peek if you need help with anything related to GYN issues (endometriosis and fibroids and GYN cancers) or have a hysterectomy scheduled in the near future. Or it is behind you - and you need answers to your questions or help with menopause.

And as I'm working each day with my mouth full of metal and elastics - I'm looking forward to the day I can eat without pain and I have my regular smile back.

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