Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Day 7 - Adjusting the wax

I woke up this morning with a monster headache. I haven't had one of these in a long long time - but don't think its associated with the appliance in my mouth. It only makes things less comfy as I just don't feel good.

I made an unannounced trip to the orthodontist office - which is ok on Tuesday. It is the slow day at their local office and after a short wait, the tech helped me find a better way to manage the owies that I have appearing inside my mouth. She gave me two other kinds of wax for me to test and showed me where I might apply the wax that I hadn't noticed before. I'm hoping it is the trick to getting beyond the initial adjustment and into a pattern of maintenance as I move towards 6 months of wearing this thing.

Whew! Attempting to straighten teeth when you are almost 60 is a feat. Braces for an adult? Hanging in here.

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