Monday, December 18, 2006

The Nativity

We saw The Nativity movie this weekend. Another great way to spend an evening and help focus on the reason for the season.

I love Christmas with all the decorations and flavors, smells and goodies, packages and bows. I do not like the shopping and the crowds with accompanying traffic. And with all the things I love and hate about this time of year, its easy to be distracted.

Distracted by the packages and twinkling lights. Distracted by the frustation of the malls.

The movie of the story of Mary and Joseph and their journey to Bethleham was very good.

I appreciated the fear and faith of Mary who obeyed and submitted to the will of God. The shunning she endured as no one believed her account.

I appreciated the anguish Joseph faced and the faith he needed to obey the angel and take Mary as his wife anyway.

I appreciated the length of the journey of 90 miles without a car in terrain that was rugged and not easy.

I missed the brilliance of the light and the glory of a multitude of heavenly host praising God and singing Glory to God in the Highest. I missed the accurate timing of the magi's arrival and the accuracy of why they did not return to tell Herod of Christ's birth.

But the best part, was the birth of Jesus. The King of Kings laying in a animal food trough. And being held in Mary's arms...God himself. Emmanuel. God with us. The long-awaited Savior, redeemer of our souls, perfect sacrifice for our sin.

1 comment:

Schweers' Mom said...

I heard the director (I think) address why they timed the magi's visit "incorrectly". He said that in movies you only have a short time period to tell the story and you don't want to overstay your welcome. If they had shown the timing "correctly", then he felt that would have added unwelcome length to the movie. I don't know if I agree with his philosophy or not...

Sounds like a fun time. It looks like a terrific movie!

See you tomorrow! =-)