Friday, December 22, 2006

Welcome to our World

I hope I never take for granted the birth of Jesus.

The knowledge that God put on a flesh suit as the man of Jesus is incredible. That in that manger, Mary delivered a perfect baby who would deliver the world of their sin. That Mary held God in her arms, nursed him. That he was born with tiny hands who would be pierced upon a cross. That he was born with a head prepared for a crown of thorns. That he was born with blood that would be the perfect lamb sacrifice for our sins once and for all.

That he was born to die purposefully. Not as an oops or a mistake or a plan B.

Our loving God prepared the perfect sacrifice in the man of Jesus.

Blows me away even now. And I hope I never grow tired of the amazing knowledge of His love.

Glory to God in the Highest. For unto us is born a Savior who is Christ the King.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what kind of father would ask his child to die. if ur god is so great couldn't he have thought of a less idiotic and cruel way? and how exactly did this jesus person dying fix anything? or is it all about what happens after you die?
please explain as this seems like insanity