Monday, January 08, 2007

My Choices for Being Typical

Recently I was accused of being a "typical conservative" because I drive a Honda Pilot SUV.

The accusation was suggesting that if I cared about the environment, I would not drive what this person called a "gas guzzler".

Since when is a person under attack because of their choice of transportation?

I am very amused by the notion.

Can you tell what kind of political/world views a person holds by the car they drive? The house they live in? The kind of dogs they have?

I don't think so.... which is why this amuses me so much.

My neighbor is an attorney who votes the exact opposite of me in all elections according to the signs in their yard around election time. They have a Honda Pilot SUV, too. My dad, who is a retired Air Force officer, votes in every election in support of our nation's military and defense (read: ultra conservative). He drives a Toyota Prius Hybrid.

Behind it all is an even much deeper, more profound thought. I guess the idea of choices for folks like this is only allowable when it is in regards to babies in the womb and doesn't apply to car choices.

When this person argued: "What would Jesus do?" I grinned.

The answer is simple.

The pharisees had added new rules to the laws of Israel. Twisting what is allowed and not allowed. One day, trying to trick Jesus, one pharisee asked Jesus:

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:36-40

There it is.

Jesus would say: It matters not what a person drives. What is the most important thing? Love God. Love people.

And this is what I pray I can do and is my choice. Because I'm learning that if I do nothing else in this life except to do both of these things, my life will be an awesome journey.


Schweers' Mom said...

Oh brother! So does this person every accelerate quickly in their vehicle? What about mowing their lawn at certain times of the day? Isn't that bad for the environment? What products do they use come from companies that support a liberal agenda (or a conservative agenda if that's what they are against?). Hmmmm...

Mike Messerli said...

awesome post! I'm so excited to see your words! I wonder if what I say makes any difference. Joye and I were talking about that today. It doesn't matter to me what a person drives, just so they focus on the most important stuff! Thanks for the encouraging words.

Kathy said...

Mike, what you say...makes a difference! Thanks for the message on Sunday. Good stuff! I appreciate your heart sooo much!

After church, a pile of us went out to eat. My meal arrived last. My daughter's meal arrived but only half of it. The table enjoyed the chuckle as we decided there could be no complaining. We would eat what we were served. ;-)

stephanie said...

haven't been online much lately. just wanted to say that i have finally had a few moments to sit down and catch up on blogs and that i enjoyed your posts. :)