Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Insert Foot

I'm the daughter of a career Air Force officer. I'm the mother of an Air Force vet. I'm the daughter in law of a career Army Chief Master Sgt.

I could go on with my list, adding people in my life from family and friends who have spent their career or part of their career serving our nation in the military.

I'm also from a family with college educations, many with graduate degrees, including those military men in my life.

Intelligent men who chose to serve our nation in addition to the gaining of their educational degrees.

And so you can imagine the horror and disgust I have once again for John Kerry and his comments about the men serving in Iraq and his immediate refusal to apologize.

Insert his foot into his mouth and insert the end of his chance to run for president in 2008. His party would do well to distance themselves from this man.

And so, I took the time to head to the polls and I voted early. I was extra motivated.

It reminded me again that this is a cultural war that we fight in our nation and a spiritual war we must fight on our knees. And in the ballot boxes.

"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." Daniel 2: 20-21


Schweers' Mom said...

What a gaffe, huh?? I hope the media has as much of a field day with this as gaffes made by the republican party. (yeah, right, that'll happen.)

Joye said...

I love the photo! I have to add that many young people join the military (and are in Iraq) because military service is a means by which they can OBTAIN an education when they have no other means.

Robyn Rochelle E. said...

My nephew is also in the Army. He has re-uped. Is a green beret - I'm proud and sad for him at the same time.
I pray for our boys - innocent no longer - boys to men - seeing life, working hard, never to be the same. I am thankful for an immutable God.