Saturday, September 16, 2006


Rosie thinks I'm dangerous. Yes, she proclaimed, while sitting in her new moderator chair on ABC's "The View": "Radical Christians are as dangerous as radical islamists."

I'm not completely shocked by her comments. In the past few years I've heard Rosie's anti-christian sentiments weaving their way through her so-called-comedy schticks.

I do have a few questions for ABC's head honchos:

If Rosie had said: "Radical homosexuals are as dangerous as radical islamists" or "Radical African-Americans are as dangerous as radical islamists", would an apology have been offered by ABC and the co-host of The View fired? Probably.

There is quite a double standard in our news media. Its not okay to be a bigot unless your bigotry extends to christians. Then its quite okay.

On the other hand, I think Rosie is onto something.

Christians are dangerous to Rosie. Christians don't agree with her on many levels. And on the most basic of issues, we differ. Christians represent the very things that Rosie hates. And while she spews her hatred and bitterness against christians (and ABC allows it), I'm quite okay with my choice not to watch Rosie or The View.

But I'll continue to pray for her as she rages.

"Turn to me and be saved,
all you ends of the earth;
for I am God, and there is no other.

By myself I have sworn,
my mouth has uttered in all integrity
a word that will not be revoked:
Before me every knee will bow;
by me every tongue will swear.

They will say of me, 'In the LORD alone
are righteousness and strength.' "
All who have raged against him
will come to him and be put to shame." Isaiah 45:22-24


Joye said...

That's such a ludicrous statement. On what does she base her conclusion, that Christians don't condone her lifestyle choice? The only "radical Christians" I've heard of in our time are the ones that have bombed abortion clinics, and I would tend to question whether those people are really Christians. But Jihad is spelled out in black and white on paper for the world to see with signatures of Islamic leaders, and the results, comment necessary. Rosie should learn to think through things she declares in public intead of speaking from her emotions. But then, I guess we all should.

Unknown said...

Now I know why I quit watching Rosie some years ago.

I am not sure how Christians can be put in the same category as radical muslims. I wonder if she knows in her heart that her lifestyle is wrong so she lashes out at those who say it is wrong in an attempt to make it right in her mind.

Just a thought.

Schweers' Mom said...

Love that picture! Dangerous, huh? Jesus was sure "dangerous" in his day and still is - but for very different reasons than she alleges. It make me so frustrated that it's ok for anyone in Hollywood to say what they want in all manner of derogatory ways about Christianity, but heaven forbid, we should say something about any other group that is REMOTELY critical. Yeah, good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

When I heard her comments, I honestly thought that she meant we were a threat to her homosexuality and other immorality that she takes a stand for. We are a threat to her! Not our problem. It's hers. :o) All the more reason to not watch the show. Too bad I'm at work then!

Anonymous said...

Why do you consider yourself a "radical"? Have you bombed any abortion clinics lately? Have you shot any family planning doctor lately? If not (and I have 10 bucks here that say you haven't), she is not referring to you and thus no need to take offense. As a matter of fact you should be trying to distance yourself from the label radical. She clearly said "radical Christians", not Christians in general.

And no, I am not gay; just somebody who is genuinely puzzled. Let's see how long this message stays here.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (since you couldn't leave your real name :o) ) - have you checked the definition of 'radical'? Here is what I found :a person who holds or follows strong convictions. So that doesn't mean, someone who bombs abortion clinics. Many people claim to be "Christians" but don't live it. Radicals, as this definition refers to, is someone who lives out their convictions.

Enjoyed your sarcasm though! Next time leave your name.

Kathy said...

Did you know that the last abortion clinic bombing (that I could find in Google) was in 1998? And that it was Eric Robert Rudolph that was convicted in that bombing and others. While some claimed he was a christian terrorist, he claims to prefer Nietzsche to the Bible. He certainly doesn't represent the millions of christians in this nation. Nor is it a public plot for christians to participate.

Must be something else Rosie means when she claims radical christians are dangerous. Hmmmm.....

On another site I saw a challenge posed to Rosie.

One day on the View, Rosie should come out and bad-mouth Jesus. Rake christians over the coals. Call them names. Insult them.

The next day on the view, Rosie should come out and insult and bad-mouth Allah and Islam. Call them terrorists. Mention their violence and disregard for life.

The outcome of the challenge? Rosie would then have an idea if one radical group is different than the other.

There is a point to the challenge with Jesus being bad-mouthed first. If Allah and Islam is bad-mouthed first, Rosie might not live another day to insult Christ to finish the challenge. She is safe if she insults Jesus first. The christians aren't going to send a bomber to her home.

Not realistic? The Pope insulted Islam and the terrorists have risen up. They have killed a nun. They have beheaded and blown up innocent bystanders during their riots as they insist on an apology from Rome.

And where are those radical christians? Praying for Rosie.

Anonymous said...

Oh just ignore the Anonymous poster that defended Rosie. You see that poster came from the closed* forum Straight Dope Message Board.

The reason that board is so wierd by any standards is the "Straight Dope" news article that spawned the forum is normally carried only in alternative papers. You know heavily slanted toward gay/liberal readership.

* It's open for all, but it is a bastion of homosexual's/liberals. And believe me, they have some massive ego's on that end of the internet. They honestly believe they are the majority. But really all it is, is a group of geeks all agreeing on everything in thier own little version of Utopia one that not just borders but crosses the line into decadence.

Anonymous said...

Extrapolating from your definition/interpretation of the word 'radical'; surely radical Islamists are simply those that 'hold or follow strong convictions'. If that is the case, where is the insult in being compared to the mostly harmless?

Anonymous said...

Wrong Mattie boy, Muslim's "strong" convictions include converting you by the sword.
Christian's with strong conviction's will pray for you and your sins.

Anonymous said...

"Wrong Mattie boy, Muslim's "strong" convictions include converting you by the sword."

I have some very devout Muslim friends. None of them have tried converting me, a Christian, much less attempt to force me into conversion by threatening me with violence.

They are "radical" in the same sense that I, a follower of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can be called "radical". However, they are not "radical" compared to the radical Muslim terrorists, just like how I am not "radical" compared to abortion clinic bombers or Fred Phelps of "God Hates Fags" fame.

I will pray for you all to learn that hate, stereotyping, and religious prejudice is wrong. I pray that God will be there with you all so that you may see Muslims as children of the living God, created in His image, as we all are, and not the terrorists that you fear so much.

May God be with us all.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Sean I see you fell for the PC line they try to get you to believe. When a bomb blows up in Baghdad, how many Christian men, women and children celebrated in the streets like it was a major holiday? On 11 September 2001 I recall many Muslims celebrating, openly.

Everytime a bomb exploded in Israel, thousands of those peace lovin' Muslims celebrate. Where are the moderates like your friends?

You say you have devout friends, I think you have an active imagination if you think that.

Kathy said...

I do have friends who are Muslim who do not fit this category. That was not my intent when I posted these comments.

My point is about Rosie who would compare the Jihadists (and their bombing ways) with christians being equal.

They are not equal and can not be compared. She's an angry woman with an agenda that is not always apparent.

And I made note of abortion clinic bombings above which I find amusing since this is not a daily occurance nor a yearly one (maybe a decade occurance?)..... but seems to come up as the example of christians who are violent. [sigh] The most notorius clinic bomber was not a christian. Somehow people believe that if someone is against abortions they must be christians. Not necessarily so....So abortion clinic bombings are not a good example.

Take a look at the Islamic Jihad's who are rioting in the streets, killing and bombing in response to the comments of the Pope. No where do we see hundreds/thousands/millions of christians behaving that way when someone "disses" their Savior.

The most powerful, radical christian fights....on their knees.

I'm a radical christian!

Anonymous said...

From Bartolomeo,
Kathy, relax. Rosie O'Donnell wasn't dissing you; you're not a radical Christian at all. I read back through 7 or 8 of your epistles. You're a Christian, that's clear, but you're no radical. You're not hard core; that's not a bad thing. Jesus wasn't hard core, either. He was into peace, letting us know we're all children of God. He's about souls, not elections, and so are you.

Anonymous said...

Could you please stop assuming every single Christian shares your bigoted beliefs? I'm not a Rosie fan, actually, I can't stand her, but she wasn't referring to us reasonable Christians. She probably WAS referring to you, though. The ones who want to turn this country into a theocracy. The ones who want to deny gays the rights they deserve as Americans. The ones who want to force Christianity down the throats of people who want nothing to do with it. You are dangerous. You're ruining America, and you're far more dangerous to my country than any radical Islamic group.

Anonymous said...

Ruining America? You mean the one that was founded by George Washington and his husba... er wait a minute. You mean the one where freedoms meant exposing my kids to depravity on the scale of Sodom and Gomorrah, the minute they walk into the streets? Because liberals believe we should be allowed to do everything and anything that "feels good"?

Dangerous by not allowing you the freedom to make a mockery of moral behavior? I have no urge, nor do any of my Christian brethren friends to behead you, or convert you. We just want our nation to stop sliding down the slope to the cesspool below.

The ones who want to deny gays the rights they deserve as Americans. The ones who want to force Christianity down the throats of people who want nothing to do with it. You are dangerous

The one's who want to force homosexuality down the throats of people who want nothing to do with it. The one's who want to deny religious people the rights they deserve as Americans?
You are dangerous, and you do not even realize it.

Anonymous said...

How is allowing someone the right to legally express their union "forcing homosexuality down the throats of people who want nothing to do with it" (heh)? That's a ridiculous assertion. Live and let live. That's a Christian message isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Wow, you really are radical christians down here, and yes, you are just as bigoted and dangerous as the people you condemn.
I would rather be confronted by 30 gay people having sex in public, then any of you scary hatemongers.
You should learn to read what you preach, as in that you shouldn't judge, it is not your place.

Kathy said...

Ahhhh. There is it. The truth from the homosexual lifestyle. Angry. Bitter. Furious with me as a christian because I believe marriage means one man, one woman and should be protected as marriage. And I'm a scary hate monger because this is what I believe?

This is why Rosie calls me dangerous. This is why homosexuals hates the christian. Because of what they believe.....and despite what someone mentioned above, I am hard-core. I believe the Bible to be the literal Word of God. I believe Jesus died for the sins of the world out of love. I believe He is coming back.

Seems like I stirred a hornet's nest.

I'm on my knees since I certainly have no hatred for you, only a heart-felt desire for you to know Jesus.