Saturday, September 09, 2006

Follow the crowd?

If you've ever been in a group that mindlessly followed the herd only to discover later that the leader had no idea where they were going or (worse) there was no leader, you would obviously understand how disillusionment sets in.

Most folks follow blindly along the path of least resistance without consideration of the goal.

Other folks follow multiple leaders, choosing them based on today's fad of fame, switching paths and herds as the years go roll by. In fact, often these followers choose the herd they like today regardless if there is a leader or not.

These are blind followers. Can you imagine where they end up at the end of the road?

But, I think there is a better way to be a follower.

Purposeful following.

1. A purposeful follower knows the leader and trusts him.

2. A purposeful follower joins with other purposeful followers who are following the same leader.

3. A purposeful follower makes an intelligent decision to follow based on facts.

4. A purposeful follower understands there is purpose and value in the following in the long run.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matt 4:19

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