Saturday, September 30, 2006


Last night's movie had a lesson about teamwork and individual responsibility as it pertained to a football team. The team's coach used Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall as his example.

I had to go to Nehemiah today to re-read. I knew it had something for me to hear.

The walls of Jerusalem were in ruins. Those walls needed to be rebuilt and rebuilt quickly. The impossible task overwhelmed Jerusalem but Nehemiah planned with God's help. First Nehemiah surveyed the ruins carefully. Then, God gave wisdom to Nehemiah to assign everyone the wall nearest their own homes, connecting the work with 10 gates. In a record 52 days, the walls were rebuilt, surrounding Jerusalem, protecting the city from the enemy. And in dedication, the word of God was read and the people worshipped the living God.

The enemy intended destruction. Our Lord lifts his people out of the ruins, renewed with His Word, the Truth, proclaimed for all to hear.

I'm re-building the wall nearest my home. How about you?


stephanie said...

What a wonderful story and a great way to approach this healing process. Thank you, Kathy. We are rebuilding the wall nearest our home too.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy-

If interested in digging deeper into Nehemiah there's an excellent sermon series on the CBC website from 2001. This is my favorite series delivered by the messenger.

Also, loved your hornet's nest comment on Mike's blog! What a visual....time to get to work! Let's show the devil his full plan won't work.

Joye said...

Yep. Stones get a little heavy at times, but we're workin' away! Thanks, Kathy. I'm sure glad you started blogging.