Friday, October 06, 2006

Good, Better or BEST

Yesterday in bible study I had one of those moments. I had prepared the lesson I was leading and had all the answers.*grin*. I had read and re-read Genesis 3. We were studying hard stuff: the origin of our sin nature, the icky truth that all sin is ugly, that all sin is equal as there is not one sin that is worst than others to God (although we tend to rate them from white lies (1) to murder (10).)

Heavy stuff to illuminate as we begin to understand the joyous good news of Jesus because unless we understand our need, we can not understand God's payment in the death and life of Jesus.

And in the middle of this study about Adam and Eve came extra encouragement that caused me to pause. (Thanks Brenda!)

We were looking at Adam and Eve, having eaten from the tree of good and evil which they had been instructed by God not to eat. They had been given freedom to enjoy everything in their garden with this one exception. The serpent entered, deceived Eve who gave the fruit to Adam who ate. Immediately they realized they were naked and ashamed. Immediately Eve got out the sewing machine, grabbed some fig leaves and made an outfit to cover themselves. (First evidence that crafts and fashion design are in the bible!) When they heard God, they hid. God, then, cursed the serpent and gave an oracle to Adam and Eve about their struggle on earth and an explanation of their death both spiritual and physical.

And with this verse came extra wonderful Aha's!

"The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them." (Gen 3:21)

1. Yes! This is the first sacrifice which was made by God to cover the sin of Adam and Eve. (A temporary fix as Jesus would be the permanent fix, the perfect, sinless sacrifice to not only cover the sin of mankind but to cleanse it)

2. Yes! Eve had already made some clothes for their closet and they did the job. But, those fig leaves would dry up, fall apart, need to be replaced and would not be adequate when the two were driven out of the garden. I can't imagine having fig leaves for underwear or to keep my body protected. But given there was no Wal-mart or a mall nearby, the fig leaves were good.

But GOD made garments out of skin for Adam and Eve. How much better is that than itchy fig leaves?

I declare it not only better...but BEST!

It made us all take a few moments to think through all the ways we do things for ourselves that we think are good and adequate. And then times when God has stepped up, in His mercy and grace, to provide something better that turned out to be the BEST for our lives.

God's character from the beginning was one of mercy and grace. Making a way for us through His Best!


Joye said...

Such a good reminder. I love that. His gifts are always the best.

stephanie said...

What a great thing to point out for us all to remember and consider. Thank you.