Saturday, October 28, 2006

Random Thoughts

Random thoughts today.
About Time: Every year I grumble twice because of the time change. I figure whatever it was that drove us to alter the clocks, messing up our sleeping schedule must be antique by now. I simply do not like it.

But I do understand it in part. My body is sleeping later and later in the morning as the sun is taking long and longer to get up and shine.

But on the other end of the day, the night is arriving much too early. And with the "fall back" it will be darker even earlier. This, I don't like.

But if I had to pick one time adjustment over the other, I'd pick "fall back".

Its easier to get more sleep. I just hate having to give it back in the spring.

About Deceit: Yesterday I got home about 10 minutes beyond the dog's normal eating time. I arrived to find my husband had beat me home but wasn't in the living room or kitchen when I walked in the door.

Both dogs jumped and barked with their hunger dance. I recognize this dance since they begin it about 15 minutes before their scheduled meal time and keep bugging me until I relent and head to the kitchen.

I asked them if they were hungry. Bark bark. Jump jump. Generally, if they aren't hungry, there is no excitement.

So I fed them.

They gobbled up their food like they were starving prisoners.

Husband walks in the door chuckling. "They fooled ya. I fed them minutes ago."

If you come for a visit, please don't say anything about my pudgy dogs. It will remind me that I was duped by a couple of wieners.

About Friends: I love my friends. I love scheduling time to spend with them. Tonight my husband and I are going to abandon the pudgy dogs for dinner with friends. Mexican food. Yum!

Spending time with people I enjoy is the highlight of my week. Its encouraging. Its healthy. Its inspiring. Its as it should be.

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:15-17


Schweers' Mom said...

Must be a dog thing...mine LIE to me all the time (and I don't mean "lie" as in preferred daytime activity). My lab begins sitting by her bowl and slobbering about an hour before her dinner time. This time change thing really messes her up. I have unfortunately trained them to go out and potty one last time at night and then they get their "candy bar" (a Milkbone). I generally have a pool of slobber I step in near the lab's food bowl. (yuck-o!) Usually this occurs in my socked feet. (again, yuck-o!)

Thanks for the giggle! =-)

Joye said...

I'm right there with you on all those random thoughts- time change (why? and why are they extending it next year?), deceit (Mike & I have devised a signal in which we leave the empty food container on the counter for each other to see, in case Stinking Sanders tells us he hasn't eaten yet), and friends (our lives would be sadly bland without them, and we need that iron sharpening iron component).