Monday, August 28, 2006

Rain like Manna

Its raining!

Its absolutely, water falling from the sky in bigger portions than a moment of spritz, water getting the grass wet, water getting streets wet, water coming down rain gutters.....R A I N I N G.

It started Saturday night. There was evidence when I woke up that it had really rained during the night. Then, later in the day, it rained again, thoroughly wetting our grass and giving our sprinklers (and city water bill) a break. This morning, I woke up to completely gray sky and now here I sit, watching water pour from the sky.

Today's daily provision in the form of rain. Whew!

"Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving;
make music to our God on the harp.

He covers the sky with clouds;
he supplies the earth with rain
and makes grass grow on the hills.

He provides food for the cattle and
for the young ravens when they call." Psalm 147:7-9

And now a confession. I took this photo from a fellow blogger because it was perfect for today. (Thanks Mike!)

1 comment:

Mike Messerli said...

You are most welcome...use anything you like.